Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Risk factors for lung cancer

There are several factors that lead to lung cancer, most notably smoking. The exposure to other substances and genetic factors play an important role in increasing the risk of lung cancer. The most important factors are:

· Smoking: Smoking is the leading risk factors for lung cancer, because it contains dozens of carcinogens. All forms of smoking increases the risk of lung cancer, cigarettes, pipes and even chewing tobacco. Smoking is also a risk factor for oral cancer, gum, trachea and larynx. Risk increases with increase in the amount of smoking. Reduced risk of lung cancer after smoking cessation for a period of 5-10 years at least, and probability remains high during this period, and even then as the smoker always remains the seriousness of the incidence of lung cancer even though he quit smoking.

· Passive smoking: that exposure to secondhand smoke through the presence in an environment full of smoking also increases the risk of lung cancer.

· Environmental factors: many environmental factors, especially carcinogens lead to an increased risk of lung cancer. May be exposed to these substances during work or in the environment or at home. The most important of these factors are:

Radon: There in the coal industry, but there may be in the ground and evaporates into homes and are inhaled. Radon lacks aroma and color so indistinguishable. Some countries examining the presence of radon in residential areas.

Asbestosis: used in car factories, ships, and construction workshops. If human exposure to smoking in addition to asbestos, the likely increase further. Asbestos leads to lung cancer after at least 25-40 years.

Arsenic: Metal found in pesticides used in agriculture.

Other heavy metals  may lead to lung cancer, but less significant.

· Generation: lung cancer does not occur before the age of forty, and most cases occur in advanced age, after the age of fifty private.

· Nutrition: There is a relationship between nutrition and lung cancer, where to eat fat and lack of vitamins increases the risk of lung cancer, while eating fruits and vegetables protect against lung cancer.

· Genetic factors: There are important genetic factors, where the presence of lung cancer in a first-degree relatives (parents, brothers and sisters) increases the risk of lung cancer.

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