Thursday, December 13, 2012

Do I have to tell the child about cancer?

You may be asking, "Do I have to tell the child about cancer?" Some protect their child try to prevent information about him.But the child knows that the patient does not feel in good health, see a doctor and come back the hospital a lot. It may be difficult to hide information about the child may inadvertently heard from a family member or one of the hospital staff. Perhaps more troublesome for the child to know  by chance about his illness.

News for sick child is not an easy decision. Is first and foremost a personal decision interference factors of personal, family and rely on the general environment in which the child lives. Generally children who know the truth are more collaborators during treatment.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cancer and children

It can also carry children just like adult cancers, but there are some types of cancer are more common among children. Of the most common types of cancer among children cancer leukemia (blood cancer), which is often made in the bone marrow. Other common cancers brain tumors, Hodgkin's disease, Wilma's tumors, tumors Ewing sarcomas  Pediatric Cancer does not always behave like cancer in adults is also addressed sometimes differ and higher success rates. It may occur suddenly and without early symptoms. Therefore it is necessary not to compare between cancers of children or adults even if they are similar.Child after being diagnosed with cancer, being a doctor series of tests so he can distinguish the type of cancer in children, the size of the tumor, whether it is in the lymphatic glands Will spread or not. In leukemia, for example, doctor examines the bone marrow, liver, spleen and lymph nodes nearby. Of tests that may be required by the doctor X-rays, CT scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we will talk about these actions later.When a child is diagnosed with cancer, parents face difficult situations where they need to make a decision on the treatment of the child. It is necessary that fathers do not hesitate to seek the opinion of another doctor, if necessary, or that the diagnosis is unclear. Before the beginning of the child's treatment team puts therapy treatment plan summarizes the type of treatments that will be used, and in what way and how long it will last treatment.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Smoking cancer relationship

Hazards caused by smoking:Throat cancer: Smoking causes more than 90% of cancers of the larynx.Lung Cancer: Smoking causes 87% of all lung cancer cases.Cancer of the mouth and esophagusStomach cancer: from 14 to 28 percent of deaths from stomach cancer caused by smoking.Cardiovascular disease: cause nicotine which is the main drug in tobacco shortness of blood vessels, which increases blood pressure and increased heart work and then straining.For cancer, it is expected that one out of every 3 people will develop cancer at some point in his life and that one out of every four people will die from cancer. In general and in the world, deaths that are related to smoking representing approximately 30% of all cancer deaths. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas. The new studies have shown that there is a relationship between smoking and all cancer of the nasal cavity and stomach cancer and cervical cancer, and that there is a relationship between him and one of the types of leukemia Myeloid Leukemia.Lung Cancer:In 1999, a mortality rate associated with lung cancer, 22% of all cancer deaths. Lung cancer is associated mainly smoking since more than 80% of lung cancer deaths are the reasons for smoking. The risk of death due to smoking increases the increasing number of cigarettes smoked per day, percentage of lung cancer among smokers who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day are 20 times compared to non-smokers. With this in mind that lung cancer in smokers is also associated with the length of time spent smoker to smoke (since the beginning of smoking). These percentages go down until you reach the normal level over the years if the smoker stops smoking altogether.Oral and pharyngeal cancer:Smoking cigarettes and pipe and cigar one of the main causes of throat cancer, oral cancer and cancer of the esophagus. About 90% of oral cancer patients have used tobacco The Balamadg or smoking. Increased incidence of these types of cancer with increasing number of cigarettes smoked and the duration of smoking. Incidence of one of the throat and larynx cancers among heavy smokers aged between 20 to 30 times the incidence among non-smokers. Hazard ratio larger increases of up to 35 times if accompanied smoking alcohol intake. People who consume tobacco and alcohol excessively high incidence, including the throat and pharynx cancer to 90%.Esophageal cancer:Tobacco smoking is one of the reasons associated with cancer of the esophagus. Increased risk with increasing number of cigarettes per day and with the length of the smoking.Bladder Cancer:Smoking is one of the main causes of bladder cancer, which could be avoided and reduce the incidence of cancer by half in the absence of smoking. As in other types of cancer, increases the risk of infection with the increase in the number of cigarettes smoked per day and with the duration of smoking. Stopping smoking reduces the risk of cancer.Pancreatic cancer:Pancreatic cancer is one of the most dangerous types of cancer most were killed is not expected to live more than 4% of patients after 5 years of its discovery. Smoking is one of the most powerful causes associated with pancreatic cancer. The increasing incidence of the disease with increased consumption of cigarettes and the length of the period. In the case of stop smoking once and for all, the infection rate drops even par with those of non-smokers after 10 years of stopping.Stomach cancer:Studies have shown that there is a close relationship between smoking and cancer of the stomach. Incidence increases with increasing number of cigarettes and duration of smoking. As in other cases, stopping smoking reduces the risk of infection with the passage of years.

Monday, December 10, 2012

High intake of meat causes cancer

High intake of meat causes cancer

Recent research reveals issued by the University of Southern California that leukemia in children may be associated with excessive eating processed meat  hamburgers, as that of taking more than 12 pieces of it in the month are at high risk of infection by 1:10 more than children who do not eat at all. According to the second study, conducted on 3,700 men and women that eating processed meat raises the incidence of colon cancer, and the fat in them lead to diseases of aging, including arthritis and clogged arteries and heart disease.

Explains researcher Susanna Larson, who led research team recently affiliated to the British Broadcasting Corporation that the relationship between eating processed meat and other cancers is still controversial, but it is known that eating meat increases the risk of cancer of the colon and rectum. With this in mind, the researchers listed in the University of North Carolina at North American some types of dangerous foods and most consumed in Third World countries, most notably:

_ Processed foods: remember American journalist specialized health and composed more than 32 books, including "brain miracle" Jane Carper there a significant risk resulting from excessive intake of processed meat hamburgers and sausages, salami,  namely high be material  a chemicals consist in the stomach as a result of these products contain sodium nitrate, what is causing the rise in the incidence of all cancers. According to the Medical Research issued by the university, found that young people who eat sausage and salami once a week are more likely to have brain tumors twice as compared to those who do not eat at all, while that people who increased their eating burgers are more susceptible to brain cancer by 80%.

_ Grilled meat: think the majority of  diets that barbecue is the best way to cook, but recent research published by the Center of prevention and control of diseases in America prove that  food on coal, especially meat, may result in large quantities of amines harmful especially if the food where dripping fat fatty meat on coal-fired thermal occurs dissolution resulting cyclic hydrocarbons which are deposited on the surface of the grilled meat. It should be noted that these compounds harmful shifts occur within the human body directly related to the occurrence of cancerous tumors in it, note that eating grilled meat at spaced intervals does not represent a risk to health compared to capturing the permanently. In general, describes a study issued by the University of Medicine, New York, that eating meat a day can displays of colon cancer, pancreas and bladder in men and breast cancer in women, as well as heart disease and blood vessels and arteries resulting from high blood cholesterol.

_ Fried chicken: is less serious than grilled meat, but it contains some harmful amines faster than fried fish 5 or 8 times. So, experts advise chicken and remove the outer skin layer of it because they contain large amounts of fat and unhealthy hormones.

- Vegetable oils: researchers maintain that the most dangerous type of fat that can be used by human food, are oils corn, sunflower, peanut, as well as margarine (margarine), which is more dangerous than margarine and animal causes the deaths of approximately 30 to 100 thousand people a year Because heart disease, high blood cholesterol, according to the statistics of the World Health Organization.

And risks of vegetable oils, says Jean Carper "The use of corn oil or sunflower in food may hinder the work of the cells and destroy them, and could cause cancer in her." The researchers attribute this risk to surpassing power of vegetable oils, especially extracted from corn to interact with oxygen outside, knowing that oxygen dissolves in fat faster 8 times of water solubility of what constitutes a "prong ion free" attacking hundreds of cells in the body and destroys them.

_ Hydrogenated oils: Experts warn of hydrogenated oils, which are exposed to high temperatures in use during frying or manufactured butter , alters the chemical structure of the fat is located and cause a number of diseases, most notably:

Clogged arteries and an increase in heart rate.
High rate of bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol.
Vulnerability and high free  in the body.
Increase the chances of chronic diseases (cancer, diabetes and respiratory diseases and nervous system).
Weakness of the body's ability to digest fat and disposal, leading to storage and weight gain.

Animal products: is a key component in the majority of daily diets, what is causing the failure in weight loss and difficult to get rid of it. These products are available animal eggs, red meat, poultry and dairy products (cream cheese). And describes recent research, published in the "Journal of American Health" to eat more animal products accelerates the appearance of signs of aging and increases the chances of developing cancer, and that eating meat every day represents a health risk due to it contains high levels of iron, which binds with cholesterol and thus becomes a catalyst for the free ion claw that attacks the body's cells and destroy them, leading to clots in the arteries, heart attacks and strokes. In addition to the above, saturated animal fats affect animal  butter on the body's hormones, causing breast cancer, colon and rheumatoid arthritis and clogged arteries, heart disease, stress and vulnerability.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Symptoms of eye cancer

Eye cancer is caused by the proliferation of cancer cells in the eye tissue. In most cases they are secondary cancers that spread through metastasis.There are two types of eye cancer: skin cancer and retina.Retinal affects mostly children under the age of five years, while skin cancer is more prevalent in adultsSymptoms of eye cancer- Gradual loss of sight- The presence of spots in the visual fieldRegular flashes- White reflection on eye- Milan eyes often meet at one pointIdentify tumorUsing functional magnetic resonance imaging to determine the presence of cancer of the eyes.The doctor may also conduct clinical examination of the eyes under anesthesia.And can also be blood tests recommended by your doctor.Lumbar puncture can be performed.Eye cancer: Risk Factors
The causes of eye cancer are still unknown so far.Most eye cancers in adults through the development of a malignant tumor.Genetic factors responsible for the retina in children.TreatmentCan be recommended laser treatment to remove small tumors.The icing can also be recommended in cases of small tumors.Can be performed chemotherapy to prevent the spread of cancer.The patient also may be subject to radiation therapy to destroy cancer cells.And this topic can also be removed cells that leads to the very advanced tumor

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Eye Cancer

No eye cancer is a widespread disease. It may affect the outer part of the eye, such as the eyelids, which consists of the muscles, skin and nerves. If the cancer starts inside the eyeball called "eye cancer", and the most prevalent types of "eye cancers" when adults are "melanoma" and "lymphoma." The most common type in children is "tumor  networking" which begins in the cells of the retina. Cancer can also be transmitted to the eye from other infected areas in the body.

And treatment of eye cancers vary according to the type of cancer and the degree of development, and may include surgery and radiotherapy and freeze or heating and laser treatment.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Risk factors for breast cancer

Risk factors for breast cancer

Several factors may lead to breast cancer, these factors relate to heredity, environment or other diseases of the breast. The most important factors that may lead to breast cancer are:· Gender: Breast cancer affects women a hundred times more than men.· Generation: increasing risk of breast cancer with age, especially after the age of fifty.· Family history: increase the risk of developing breast cancer if they found cases of breast cancer in family members of the first class ( mother and sister).· Breast cancer in the other breast, increases the risk of breast cancer.· The presence of breast cancer in the past.
· Menarche before the age of twelve, because it increases the vulnerability of the tissue to estrogen.· Late menopause after the age of fifty-five, because it increases the exposure of breast tissue to estrogen.· Late birth: whenever the birth was delayed more exposure to estrogen.· The number of births little or no confinement: protect from breast cancer, so fewer births increased risk for breast cancer.· Obesity and excess weight.· Alcoholic beverages.· Hormone replacement therapies: that hormone therapy - especially estrogen - for the treatment of menopausal symptoms, for a period of more than ten years increases the risk of breast cancer.· Taking the pill for more than ten years.· Radiotherapy: radiotherapy of the chest - to treat another cancer in the chest often - increases the risk of breast cancer.· Genetic factors: Some genetic factors increase the risk of breast cancer. Studies have shown the presence of certain genes increase the risk of breast cancer, and these genes are also associated with ovarian cancer. The most important of these genes are BRCA1 & BRCA2.· Other factors increase the risk of breast cancer, but they are less important than the previous factors. Since women skin  risk for breast cancer than white skin. The women who live the city gestational more than women in rural areas.Many factors may lead to breast cancer, and the effect of different factors, and it may be confusing to some. So preferable to discuss risk factors with a specialist breast cancer.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Signs and symptoms of brain tumors

Signs and symptoms of brain tumors

Tumors in the brain can be detrimental to nerve cells and destroy them and thereby lead to neurological symptoms. The tumors lead to inflammation in the brain, increases the pressure on the brain cells or increase the pressure inside the skull. All of these things lead to symptoms.
Cases may be asymptomatic brain tumors, and that if the tumors are too small or they grew slowly. Some tumors grow quickly and thus lead to severe symptoms and prominent, and others of brain tumors grow slowly and lead to chronic symptoms.
Related symptoms of brain tumors the size of the tumor, its location, the inflammation and swelling surrounding the tumor and the spread of the tumor. The most prominent symptoms are:
· Headache: getting worse headache when you rise in the morning or when coughing, bending forward, and hide during the day.
Nausea and vomiting, and often have a companion to head pain.
· Seizures (Seizures).
· Blurred vision: It may be easing vision, double vision or complete loss of vision.
· Weakness in parts of the body: It may be weakness in the muscles of the face, or hand or leg muscles. Often unilateral weakness.
· Tingling or loss of feeling in some parts of the body, and are often on one side of the body, and may involve the face, hands or legs.
· Personal change, mood or behavior and behavior: where the patient may become more severe or violent, or be depressed.
• change the degree of awareness.
· Hearing impairment has been exacerbated for complete hearing loss.
· Loss of sense of smell or taste.
· Confusion.
· Memory loss.
· Loss of balance.
· Loss of coordination between the parties.
· Difficulty in walking.
· Problems in word or characters in the understanding of others.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Symptoms and diagnosis of thyroid cancer

Symptoms of thyroid cancer

The thyroid cancer originating from follicular cells does not produce hormones in the vast majority of cases, so do not expect the presence of symptoms of hyper thyroid. Symptoms stem from thyroid include:

Swelling in the neck: the most common symptom.
Hoarseness in voice.
Difficulty in breathing: because of the pressure on the trachea.
Difficulty in swallowing: because of the pressure on the esophagus.
Pain in the neck or ears.

Diagnosed with thyroid cancer

The presence or absence of symptoms, diagnosis of thyroid cancer begins physical examination, where the doctor can be sensitive to the tuber in the gland. Then you can send the patient to work ultrasonic examination or class picture of the neck to see the building better gland and examine the presence of tubers.

In the case of a tuber, especially if they do not secrete hormones doctor may recommend taking a sample by a fine needle  An examination easy being in the clinic. The sample gives accurate diagnosis of cancer and its kind.

If the doctor suspects that the cancer of Marrow type may examine the hormone calcitonin in the blood, it is expected to be high.

In addition, the patient is asked to do more tests to find Metastasis in the body, such as:

Image radioactive iodine: to search for thyroid tissue in the body, these cells pick up iodine.
Chest: pulmonary .
CT or blood tests for the liver.
Bone scan (Bone scan): to of  bone.

Risk factors transitional cell carcinoma

Risk factors transitional cell carcinoma

Several factors lead to transitional cell carcinoma, and may be environmental factors, genetic or disease in the urinary tract. Doctors think that the vulnerability of transitional cell to toxic substances excreted in the urine, is the key factor for transitional cell carcinoma. The most important risk factors are:

Generation: after the age of forty, increasing the possibilities for transitional cell cancer.
Gender: As mentioned, the transitional cell cancer affects males more than women.
Smoking: The most important factor.
Exposure to toxic substances at work: in the case of working with paint, metal, rubber, leather, cement, carpets and many other others.
Hair dyes: toxic substances may be present in hair dyes and exposure to them at work and constantly, increasing the likelihood of transitional cell cancer. Exposure to hair dyes to face temporary and does not increase the risk of transitional cell cancer.
Lack of drinking water: drinking water and small amounts are insufficient leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in the urine and increases the likelihood of transitional cell cancer. Maintain a sufficient amount of water over water in the urine, and leads to mixing of toxic substances and mix it with water, leading to exit quickly from the urinary tract and thus less damage.
Aristolochic acid: a type of material in the mix Chinese herbs.
Chronic inflammation of the bladder.
The presence of transitional cell cancer in another part of the urinary tract, increases the risk of renal cell cancer in other parts.
Radiology: exposure to radiation during medical treatment, or when imaging testing increases the likelihood of developing renal cell carcinoma, especially in the bladder.
Cyclophosphamide : is a drug used in chemotherapy to treat tumors, and may lead to inflammation of the bladder. The use constantly increases the likelihood of transitional cell cancer, especially in the bladder. Mensa  is prevent material damage Cyclophosphamide and reduce the likelihood of transitional cell carcinoma, so intakes advised when dealing with Cyclophosphamide.
Genetic factors are also responsible for transitional cell cancer.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

TCC-Transitional Cell Carcinoma

TCC-Transitional Cell Carcinoma
Transitional cell carcinoma is a cancer arising from the transitional cells, which line the urinary tract cavity. Members of the urinary tract are:

Renal pelvis : transitional cell start of the renal pelvis, which is the part that begins next kidneys, where urine secretion gather.
Ureter : apply urine to pass in the ureter, a member of an accurate and long connecting the kidneys and bladder, and line the transitional cell Bgeoffh.
Bladder : move to the bladder where urine collects and secreted into the urethra.
Urethra : the tube that connects the bladder and the outside world is secretion of urine out of the body. The lining of the bladder and urethra transitional cell too.
Because transitional cells lining the urinary tract, the transitional cell cancer may appear in any member of the urinary tract. Although the transitional cell cancer may appear in the kidney, but that 5% of the cases is to be in the kidneys. While the remaining cases are in the ureter, bladder or urethra, especially in the bladder. Most cases of transitional cell carcinoma are in the bladder. May appear several transitional cell carcinoma tumors contrast, several members of the transitional cell carries. A transitional cell carcinoma 90% of bladder cancer.
Does not constitute a transitional cell carcinoma leading cause of death, and can be treated in most cases. But transitional cell carcinoma may appear several times in the patient even after treatment.
Transitional cell cancer affects men more than women, and affects the elderly sixty after generation. The transitional cell cancer of the skin more eggs than others.

Monday, December 3, 2012

The causes and risk factors for cancer of the large intestine

The causes and risk factors for cancer of the large intestine
Many environmental and genetic factors may increase the risk of cancer of the large intestine, and the many diseases may increase the risk of cancer of the large intestine. The most important factors are:

Age: cancer affects the large intestine older, especially after the age of fifty, it is rare to happen before that, except in certain cases where there are genetic diseases.
Family history: wounded relatives in the family, cancer of the large intestine, especially first-degree relative (ie, parents, brothers and sisters), increases the risk of cancer of the large intestine. The injured a relative of the family cancer of the large intestine before the age of 55 than most of the risk of injury.
Cancer of the large intestine in the past increases the likelihood of injury again.
The presence of polyps (Polyps) in the intestine: polyps are benign tumors grow from mucosal tissue abnormally, and take the form of football and highlights within the intestinal cavity. Some polyps increase the likelihood of cancer of the large intestine if any, but it regard Bnoaha, number and size. It also found polyps in patients with cancer of the large intestine at diagnosis.
Nutrition: rich Baldehnaat, canned food and red meat increase the risk of cancer of the large intestine. While fruits and vegetables protect against cancer of the large intestine.
Lack of physical activity.

Genetic diseases: there are genetic diseases lead to cancer of the large intestine, including:
Polyposis coli (FAP-Familial adenomatous polyposis), a hereditary disease that leads to the presence of hundreds and thousands of polyps in the colon, where patients develop cancer of the large intestine is always at the age of forty. In all cases there is a family history indicates the disease, so it is important to follow up on these cases since childhood and colectomy to avoid colon cancer.
Lynch syndrome (HNPCC / Lynch Syndrome): Another hereditary disease increases the risk of cancer of the large intestine. Although it is more common than polyposis coli, but it is still very rare among people. Cancer affects the large intestine Lynch syndrome patients after the age of fifty or smaller. In addition to cancer of the large intestine, the syndrome increases the risk of developing other types of cancer such as cancer of the uterus, ovary, kidney, and bladder

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The causes and risk factors for pancreatic cancer

The causes and risk factors for pancreatic cancer
Several factors lead to damage to the cells in the pancreas, leading to cancerous mutations cause pancreatic cancer. The most important factors and causes of pancreatic cancer are:

Alcoholic beverages, especially if they drank heavily and addiction.
Generation: as the generation progresses the greater the likelihood of pancreatic cancer.
Nutrition: Nutrition effect on the pancreas, where the nutrition that lack of fiber and saturated
fats increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer.
Chronic pancreatitis: Chronic pancreatitis ongoing damage to cells in the pancreas and increases the risk of pancreatic cancer.
Diabetes: There is a relationship between diabetes and pancreatic cancer, but so far I do not know if what diabetes was the cause of pancreatic cancer or is it a result of it.
Industrial Materials: most notably substances found in some hair dyes  .
Genetic factors: I do not know what is the exact genetic factors, but wounding one of pancreatic cancer increases the risk of first-degree relatives (brother, sister, children and parents).
Genetic diseases and syndromes many increase the risk of pancreatic cancer, if a person is infected. But these diseases and syndromes are uncommon. Including:

Von Hippel-Lindau Disease
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome

Gardner syndrome (Gardner Syndrome).And others


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Risk factors for prostate cancer

Risk factors for prostate cancer
Generation: All men are vulnerable to prostate cancer, but rarely may occur before the age of fifty.
Ethnicity: race plays a role in prostate cancer, but sideways. Since prostate cancer is prevalent in the West than East countries, especially among black skin.
Nutrition: Nutrition importance in an increased risk of prostate cancer, where that filled fats nutrition and paragraph vegetables and fiber increase the risk of prostate cancer.
Family history: the presence of prostate cancer in the family of first-class ( brother or father), increases the risk of prostate cancer. Studies suggest that 5-10% of prostate cancer cases are family.
Male hormones -Testosterone: is the most important factor for the proliferation of prostate cells, and without it he can not cancer that originates. It means that men who do not secrete a hormone or other reasons (testicular eradication for example) do not develop prostate cancer.